I think this might be the longest post ever by me. Nevertheless, i'll try my very best to make it interesting to read and learn something from this post.
I've not update my blog for a week I guess? yea. Whatever it is hope my readers will enjoy and look forward to my posts. I'll write some compliments for you readers at the end of this post yea. Okay! I'll start my post proper.....
Exams are around the corner and I haven't really got any idea where to start off for my revisions. My Dreamweaver project almost done and ready for submission anytime now. Just that I ain't convince with the overall product. Hah!
Lifestyle wise i'm still in great shape. My daily diet has been incredibly monsterous! I can finish 2 regular 9 inch pizza alone! You might think i'm going crazy! yea yea I know. What worst is I grow hungry in less than an hour. My goodness! But I can still control my diet and i'm not at all worried as i'm a sportsman. Still active in football every week, gym and swimming sessions occasionally.
I don't focus only on my body but my brain too. They need exercise so i've been reading books relating to my goals. So many things to learn and going to put them into action soon. Will have a meeting with Madi, one of my team mate on Sunday evening. He'll be discussing on a "multi level marketing" project and he wants to take me in after he found out about my "Financial Freedom" dream. I'm feeling real great after getting to know someone with the same interest, vision, read the same books, done alot of researches and so on.
I'm looking forward for the discussion in the weekend and see what have to share. At the same time i'll take it as a stepping stone and a test to make what i've learn into action. I won't say anything is easy, there'll definitely be ups and downs but i'm willing to explore and overcome it. I've learned not to believe "easy money" mindset. Here's below what i'm currently reading and learning:
I've not update my blog for a week I guess? yea. Whatever it is hope my readers will enjoy and look forward to my posts. I'll write some compliments for you readers at the end of this post yea. Okay! I'll start my post proper.....
Exams are around the corner and I haven't really got any idea where to start off for my revisions. My Dreamweaver project almost done and ready for submission anytime now. Just that I ain't convince with the overall product. Hah!
Lifestyle wise i'm still in great shape. My daily diet has been incredibly monsterous! I can finish 2 regular 9 inch pizza alone! You might think i'm going crazy! yea yea I know. What worst is I grow hungry in less than an hour. My goodness! But I can still control my diet and i'm not at all worried as i'm a sportsman. Still active in football every week, gym and swimming sessions occasionally.
I don't focus only on my body but my brain too. They need exercise so i've been reading books relating to my goals. So many things to learn and going to put them into action soon. Will have a meeting with Madi, one of my team mate on Sunday evening. He'll be discussing on a "multi level marketing" project and he wants to take me in after he found out about my "Financial Freedom" dream. I'm feeling real great after getting to know someone with the same interest, vision, read the same books, done alot of researches and so on.
I'm looking forward for the discussion in the weekend and see what have to share. At the same time i'll take it as a stepping stone and a test to make what i've learn into action. I won't say anything is easy, there'll definitely be ups and downs but i'm willing to explore and overcome it. I've learned not to believe "easy money" mindset. Here's below what i'm currently reading and learning:

Singapore's Most Successful Entrepreneurs
I can go on and on about what i've learn about business so far. I can really tell you now that I really hate working for someone. Having my time controlled by others. Work hard and being paid less. Working for a superior who knows nothing about welfares on his/her staffs. I basically had enough already.
Had an arguement with a colleague or so to say my superior few days ago. He was like telling me "School, Reservist, School, Reservist than come work late" and I got pissed off by his remarks. First I told him that I have school projects to do and I questioned him "What's your highest qualification? Or have u even ever went to school?". He gave me a cheeky smile and showing as though I was telling him a lame joke. Before I even cool down he spotted me wearing slippers to work. I know it ain't appropriate but I don't always wear them and I even gave him the perfect excuse but he insist I take them off and walk bare-footed around the office. I expected him to be no-big-deal-dont-do-it-again and let me off but of course he didn't. I admit my bad for being so furious to have spouted some aint nice language to him in front of my other colleagues.
I gave in but soon after I was called up from my Duty Manager for an explanation. Then bla..bla..bla..bla I wasn't dismiss anyways. He told me he understands but I was wrong to have shouted vulgarities. I just gave him Who-give-a-damn look! Grrr...
Working schedules now are becoming ridiculous. I'm only a part time employee but they keep insisting to managing my working schedules following their own needs. Ridiculous! I was employed after I gave my available working day and time, now their giving us this bullshit. No way! The more they insist, the more i'll give them a heck! Hah! $4/- per hour already called cheap labour and I believe they can't differentiate between "part time" and "full time". For god sake! Let me explain in bold and in the simplest of terms:
'Part Time' is not fully committed to the cause more so because of time. Have time will do.
'Full Time' is to fully commit yourself and time no matter what the situation is.
difference between part and full is that,part time you get paid when you do the work. full time you get paid whether you do the job or not,only downside is you have no time....
See? So much difference?
This company in this particular department is really not organise at all. So many things they're not doing it right. Can someone show them the correct way? Where's the employees welfare benefits? Even McDonalds and Starbucks look after their employees you know! Absurd!
I'm leaving the job soon anyways. I couldn't care less anymore. Good Bye soon damn it!
On a happier note as usual I spent quality time after school with honey. Done my school work together with her few days ago. So far been so so good. Not all the time sweet. Had some arguements too. Thats common. Our relationship is growing stronger each and every day together. Still more to explore in each other.
Went to Geylang Bazaar with some colleagues earlier had fun enjoyed some great food. Experience some funny but a little unpleasant incident I don't want to mention as Honey is still a little mad about. Nothing serious just some remarks by an insecured stranger whose son is totally almost non human for anyone to even take a look at.
As I promised earlier, I wanna thank my readers whoever you are for taking time to read my post. I really appreciate so much. Whether I know you or not I still wanna say a big thank you. Don't be shy to type a text or two on my tagboard. Once again THANK YOU! heh!
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