Jun 30, 2009

I'm Inspired

Off day from work today, missed out on my gym sessions and swimming. Probably I wasn't brave enough going alone without my partner. A little low self-esteem kicking in to be honest. haha.. Working on that to improve.

Nevertheless, still met up with partner at 8plus to Causeway Point. Rushed to POPULAR Bookstore to grab the book that i've been eyeing for a week. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by author Robert T. Kiyosaki. Now i'm eyeing on another book which I don't seem to remember at the moment. haha Expecting to grab it by next week. yay!

Here's the book that I bought!



Read half of the book and taking important notes as well which might help me. So actually I can't stop reading, its super interesting! Ending up I have to blog it and share it to anyone about the great book by an inspiring author.

I'll be continuing reading the book again tomorrow while on the way to work. Its like watching programme series and looking forward to it. Honestly true!

Good Night!

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